Services - Storage & Warehousing

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We offer a wide range of services to help assist with managing your electronic equipment needs.

Storage, Warehousing & Facilities

As an additional option, Ham Management will prep and arrange storage of your equipment for specifications for a low monthly fee.

Ham Recycling will show full management and provides companies and clients full storage tracking barecodes.

Buyers orders

With our company we will cordinate with clients to pickup material from their facilities. Once material is pickuped up, we apply barcodes for clients to track their material fully.

shipment boxes

Collection of material is then transported to one of our many facilities for storage in our warehouses.

With many options, we offer short terms storage, long term storage. Clients materials are stacked on level pallet racks based on time period for storage.

On short term basis, clients material is stored on the lower levels of racking, clients with long term is stored high above on pallet racking. We do offer transfer storage services, please contact us for more information on all services.

A glimpse of facility process, location add on.

Locations, facility upgrade connections establishing

  • Facility Tour (Click Here)
    • Facility Tours
  • Location Connections (Click Here)
    • Facilities & Connections
  • Intermodel Locationss (Click Here)
    • Intermodel facilities & connections, with Intermodel services. We connect with over 50 locations, facilities providing services to customer transfers of shipmnents, customer pickups..


Air Transport Tracking


Domestic Trucking tracking



Railway Transport Tracking


Sea Freight Transport




more of our resources
  • Inventory & Storage

    New facility locations, connections, offering larger warehouse space for inventory.

  • Donation & Collection

    Our in stream of electronic material is collected various ways

  • Sea Freight & Transportation

    We are offering many services now to assist with transporting material

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