Here at Ham Recycling we can assist you with all your electronic management needs. At Ham Recycling we assist companies, agencies with various options to handle their electronic equipment. We offer multiple options with flexibility to meet your needs with handling Ewaste. Here at Ham Recycling we have provided services for Gov, City and County entities as well as many more.


HamRecycling helps by offering business's and agencies assistance such as equipment recovery, consignment, resell, installation, e-waste recycling and much more.

Our No Landfill Policy

Processing, HamRecycling
Our company has a main policy we stand by, No Landfills. Our No Landfill policy is handled by many different solutions. With solutions such as recycling, liquidation and consignment, we make it our policy.

Material we process

We process all types of electronic material, computers, cell phones, printers and much more.

We Try To Repair & Reuse

Material is checked, deemed functional or nonfunctional

Once material is functional, repaired, refurbished, then resold.
  • Computers & More
  • Processors & More
  • Smartphones & More
  • Tablets & More
  • Servers & More
  • Electronics & More



How can we help your business or agency

Full range of options to assist you with hassle free end result to your electronic equipment management

  • Collection of your old equipment

    We help arrange everything, transportation, man power, packing & loading.

  • Tracking from pickup to end result

    Once material is packed, each quantity is marked, inventored, barcoded.

  • Secure data security management

    FeuEach item is collected is tracked from pickup to data distruction or wiped.

  • Full report of services provided

    A full report of what services were provided is provided after pickup.

our Company Statistics

  • 21,000+

    Social Media Followers

  • 12,345+

    Facebook Likes

  • 310,000+

    Website Page Views

  • 50,000+

    Completed Transactions


With company progress, updates, news, we will keep you up to date.

We will help you get setup

Do you need equipment installed, for your business, we can help.

Our No Hassle Transportation

Transporting, by HamRecycling
Our company has a wide range of options to assist in transporting. We our transporting services and solutions for recovery, customer delivery and more.


We Provide Services to city, County and Govn Agencies

Here are a few of the Cities, Counties, Govn agencies we have provided services for, contact us for assistance.

State Of Texas

Fairfax County Public schools

City of Los Angeles

General Services administration

Buy and sell Gold, Silver and other precious metals, directly from the refineries.

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company information
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